2021年托福收官考| 12.22日下午场写作依旧重复了下半年老题

2021-12-22 15:12:16来源:未知作者: 小美阅读量:








  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Some universities have student leaders who are chosen by other students to perform important duties at the school (for example, meeting with school administrators to discuss problems at the school). If your university required you to choose student leaders, which ONE of the following do you believe is the best way for you to inform yourself about whom to choose?

  -Reading articles in the school newspaper about the views of each person who wants to be a student leader

  -Listening to what each person who wants to be a student leader says about important issues (for example, in speeches or interviews)

  -Getting recommendations from the teachers of each person who wants to be a student leader.


  1. "student leaders"相当于国内学生会主席。只是更官方一些.老师在CUHK读书的时候,也收过这种邮件,让每个系推选学生加入到校董会,可以参与讨论学生的重大事件。

  2. "student leaders"的作用是:跟学校领导讨论学校的问题dicuss problems at school。比如:食堂卖什么饭菜;图书馆几点关门…(联系以前出过的题目)

  3. 各个选项的分析对比:

  -Reading articles in the school newspaper about the views:

  ① 能够更全面详细地了解这些候选人candidate的想法;② 对于我来说,看文章比较节省时间;

  ---Listening to what each person who wants to be a student leader says:

  ① 能直接了解candidate的演讲能力和沟通能力,有利于他们跟学校领导的沟通

  ②不管是speech 还是Interview,都有提问环节,可以更深入地了解他的观点。

  ③ 对我来说,比较浪费时间-Getting recommendations from the teachers of each person:① 老师的推荐可能体现的老师自己的偏好,不能代表学生的看法。②老师可以根据以往学生的表现,给出一些更专业的建议.


  总观点: 我认为第二种方法是最好的帮助我做决定的方法, for 听候选人的演讲等能让我更全面地了解他是否能够胜任这份工作 whether he is qualified enough to take the responsibility.

  中间段1: 通过interview 或者speech, 我可以更详细地了解候选人对学校事务的看法。相对于通过articles, where 我只能大致了解他们对于xxx 等事务的看法,我可以在他演讲的最后向他提问about我最关心的问题,或者听他是如何回答记者reports的提问。这样的互动让我对这位候选人了解更详细全面一些。

  中间段2:Besides, 我也可以更好地评估候选人的沟通能力,which play a vital role in negotiating with school administers. 比如,在对面上百个观众演讲的时候,他是否能stay calm. 在面对记者提出的尖锐的问题时,他是否能logically 条理清晰 and politely 地回答问题。如果他都能很好地做到,我才能期望他在面对学校authorities 时,能够代表我们学生尽力捍卫我们的利益。这些都是,通过文章或者老师的推荐看不出来的 cannot tell from ..

  中间段3:admittedly, 阅读他们写的文章会让我在尽量短的时间内了解他们。老师的推荐也能证明他们的能力is a testimony to their skills….. However, ….


