
2020-01-19 14:14:55来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  1月18日雅思大作文范文及解析:孩子有太多自由 春节前最后一场雅思考试!出现了AB卷!雅思爸爸大概是不想大家好好回家过年了!今本文为大家分享的是其中一篇范文,另外一篇随后也会更新给大家,可以关注一下哦~


  Nowadays, some people think children have too much freedom. Do you agree or disagree.





  ➡️ 题目的观点在于强调 too much freedom 中的这个程度——这个too much是一个模糊的不可量化的概念:不管是同意或反对,我们会发现有和没有,像0和1的这种清晰的概念是可以论证的,但是多少才算too much,多少又不算是怎么写也写不清楚的。


  ➡️建议的思路是采取反对的立场,而反对理由并非是从有和无的角度来写,而是首要理由是这个命题本身是个站不住脚的伪命题——即too much本身是一个模糊的说法:它既无法用科学方法来定义什么程度的自由才算too much;同时这又是一个因人而异的主观概念,就像生活中同样一个女孩子,用他男朋友的话来形容就是“太美了”,而在另一个人的形容里,可以是“一般般”。



  There is a prevailing opinion that the younger generation today is endowed with too much freedom. I tend to disagree with the statement because it is an unprovable concept in terms of the obscure definition of the expression ‘too much’.

  Indeed, it is easy to understand why the concept in question has crept in the thinking of many people. From the perspective of the protagonists of this, the most common public image of the youngsters nowadays is a bunch of pampered layabouts who are self-centered and prone to do whatever they want at will. One compelling example is the abuse of drugs: many adolescents have fallen victims to the problem are reckoned to be the result of the deprivation of disciplines from their parents and schools. Even employers opt to attribute the lack of responsibility of many new graduates to the over-lenient environment in which children are brought up.

  Plausible though the reasoning seems, I would see this criticism of excessive freedom for children as an untenable conclusion. Those critics are oblivious to the ambiguity of the expression - ‘too much freedom’: it is a subjective concept that cannot be quantified by any scientific measuring methods, nor does there exist an objective reference to calibrate the extent as to what exactly means ‘too much’. Instead, this concept is something variable that hinges on discrete perspective of individuals. Let’s recur to the example of drug abuse, while some self-proclaimed educationalists see the misconduct as an outcome of over indulgence, some psychologists would explain the issue from an opposite angle: such a behavioral problem could have been a rebellious response to the over control of authoritarian education.

  In conclusion, it looks to me that it would be a fruitless debate as to whether the younger generation are given excessive freedom in terms of the falsifiability of the statement.


  Endow 赋予

  Unprovable 无法证明的

  Obscure 模糊的

  Protagonist 支持者

  Pampered 纵容的

  Layabout 游手好闲者

  Self-centered 自我为中心的

  Abuse 滥用

  Deprivation 缺失

  Lenient 纵容的

  Ambiguity 模糊的

  Quantify 量化

  Calibrate 校准

  Variable 变化的

  Indulgence 溺爱

  Rebellious 反叛的

  Authoritarian 专制的

